If you have a stray animal in custody:
Call 541-382-3537, extension 0 to file a found report with an HSCO staff member. We may be able to match this found animal with a reported lost animal!
You may bring found animals directly to the shelter during business hours. Again, please call 541-382-3537, extension 0 to let a HSCO staff member know you are coming.
If you have found a dog after hours, or are unable to transport them yourselves, Animal Control can be contacted for pick up at 541-693-6911. Please note: if you are uncomfortable handling a stray animal, do not attempt to transport them yourselves.
Stray animals should be taken to the closest shelter to where they were found. HSCO typically cannot accept stray animals found outside of Deschutes County.
Jefferson County/Warm Springs - 541-475-2201
Prineville/Crook County (Humane Society of the Ochocos) – 541-447-7178
Redmond (Brightside Animal Center) – 541-923-0882
Lake County
Humane Society of North Lake County – 541-261-9332
Animal House Rescue – 541-417-1621
Klamath County
Klamath County Dog Control – 541-882-1279
Klamath County Animal Shelter – 541-884-7387
Harney County – Harney County Veterinary Clinic - 541-573-6450